28. februar 2012

Dangerous Hawai'i!

Yes, I'm actually gonna write in English this time. If you're Norwegian (or from somewhere else) and don't understand this language, well, then you won't be able to read this either. Just press play and watch the video further down.

These days it's all about blowing up stuff. People, roads, beds, apartment floors - nothing is safe now that I have got a new iPhone app called "Action Movie FX". As I've already mentioned you better press that play button and watch the clip.

No people, buildings or anything else featured in my video got harmed during recording.

WARNING! Do not try this in real life. 

All characters are real people, and definitely not professional actors (though a lot of them are probably gonna get leading roles in Hollywood movies from now on)

Rated R for ridiculous

Wanna be in my next movie? Leave a comment! 
Maybe you'll be the next one underneath the demolition rock. 

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hmm...trur det e på tide at du kjem heim snart;-) Litt bekymra for det faglige utbyttet... Trudde ikkje du hadde tid til slikt innimellom alle leksene:-) 9na

Anonym sa...

Her utnytta vi berre dødtid mens vi venta på bussane ;)