Så for å ikke være kjip nordmann som unngår alle andres tradisjoner, så måtte jeg selvfølgelig gå til innkjøp av et kostyme. Sammen med Florian, Miriam og Magnus tok jeg bussen til Party City, en butikk litt utenfor sentrum av Honolulu. Der selger de så og si alt du trenger til et hvilket som helst party, så her var det bare å komme i gang.
Jeg skal ikke si så mye om hvordan det var på butikken. Bare se videoen, så forstår du nok at det tok sin tid å få oversikt over utvalget.
Nå lurer du nok fortsatt på hvilket kostyme jeg endte opp med å kjøpe, men vet du hva? Jeg skal ikke røpe det helt ennå. Det får vente til selve Halloween-dagen. Så følg med!
Hadde forresten en hyggelig og lang Skype-samtale med Kristine forrige uke. Alltid kjekt å høre hvordan det står til med folk i hjemlandet også. Hvis du vil legge meg til på Skype, søk etter sveini.gg og trykk "legg til". Do it now! Siden Kristine er så fotogen, måtte jeg ta et screenshot fra samtalen. Og siden Kristine har mast om at jeg må legge ut dette fantastiske bildet på bloggen, så skal hun få viljen sin. Here you go!
Halloween is just around the corner, and therefore it was time for me to buy a costume last weekend. Sunday I went to Party City in Honolulu together with Florian, Miriam and Magnus. None of us had been there before, so it took a while to look through the entire store. It is big! After trying on masks, hats, gloves, glasses and such, we eventually decided which costumes to buy. But I'm not gonna tell what we got...yet. You'll have to wait till Monday. Then I'll post a picture of my awesome Halloween costume. Hehe!
If I was back home in Norway, I probably wouldn't have celebrated Halloween. It's not really a big thing in Norway yet, at least not compared to here in the US (its popularity is constantly increasing though). But since I'm here and not back home, of course I'll have to keep up with the local traditions. This is a part of the American culture too, so why not? I'm looking forward to see how it's being celebrated here. Seeing Halloween decorations in different stores and restaurants almost two weeks before the actual day, is not something I'm used to. Obviously this day is something I don't want to miss. See ya on Monday in Waikiki?
Happy Halloween! (and remember to also watch the video in this blog post)
By the way, if you wonder what that last picture is, it's just one of my friends from back home who I had a Skype conversation with last week. I took a screenshot of the conversation, and she wanted me to post it on my blog. So here you go, Kristine. Satisfied? Nice pose...
(If you wanna add me on Skype, my Skype name is sveini.gg)
Halloween is just around the corner, and therefore it was time for me to buy a costume last weekend. Sunday I went to Party City in Honolulu together with Florian, Miriam and Magnus. None of us had been there before, so it took a while to look through the entire store. It is big! After trying on masks, hats, gloves, glasses and such, we eventually decided which costumes to buy. But I'm not gonna tell what we got...yet. You'll have to wait till Monday. Then I'll post a picture of my awesome Halloween costume. Hehe!
If I was back home in Norway, I probably wouldn't have celebrated Halloween. It's not really a big thing in Norway yet, at least not compared to here in the US (its popularity is constantly increasing though). But since I'm here and not back home, of course I'll have to keep up with the local traditions. This is a part of the American culture too, so why not? I'm looking forward to see how it's being celebrated here. Seeing Halloween decorations in different stores and restaurants almost two weeks before the actual day, is not something I'm used to. Obviously this day is something I don't want to miss. See ya on Monday in Waikiki?
Happy Halloween! (and remember to also watch the video in this blog post)
By the way, if you wonder what that last picture is, it's just one of my friends from back home who I had a Skype conversation with last week. I took a screenshot of the conversation, and she wanted me to post it on my blog. So here you go, Kristine. Satisfied? Nice pose...
(If you wanna add me on Skype, my Skype name is sveini.gg)
4 kommentarer:
åh! Kristine e den fineste e vet om!:P å sånn btw: e lika at du kosa de!! litt misunneli på den der Hawaii-delen altsoo..! men du e sakna i heimlandet! enjoy;)
Lika navnet, FRU Giske :P Ser fram til å henge i juletider :)
Haha, vikti å presisere!;) JAAA! gledings!:D e dreiv å leita etter en LIKE-knapp..:P facebook-addict`?
gøøøy!!!! endeliG kom d flotte bildet!!!! miss u sveini! digg tlf samtale i dag tidli:P OOoOOoOoO over and out
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