If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!
Photo: Miriam Kratzer
Jepp, valget falt på Ghostbusters, og som du ser var jeg ikke alene om det. Ghostbusters er jo ikke en enkeltperson, men et team, så da må man jo samle hele gruppen (eller, vi mangler egentlig en person om vi skal følge filmen til punkt og prikke, menmen...prøvde i alle fall) Hva synes du?
Siden Halloween-dagen akkurat begynte (like over midnatt her), så får dette bli alt for denne gang. En mer innholdsrik oppdatering om hele opplegget kommer når det hele er over, så følg med. Aloha!
Halloween isn't just a one day thing in the US. No, it's not definitely not like back home in Norway. This is big day in the States. Here it all starts at least a week before October 31st, so if you're up for it, you can dress up many days in a row. Saturday I got together with some friends and we started the celebration. All of us dressed up in our awesome costumes (hehe), and started the evening with a barbeque. After a couple of windy hours on a hotel roof, we headed for Chinatown to continue the celebration there. Wanna know what my costume is? Scroll up and look at the picture...duh (If you're reading this, you should've seen the picture by now)
At the BBQ before we went to Chinatown
Photo: Akira Muramoto
Yes, Florian, Magnus and I dressed up as Ghostbusters. Pretty neat, huh? Whatcha think of the costume? Leave me a comment!
Not gonna write any more about Halloween right now. It still isn't over, you know. Come back in a couple of days to read more about this kinda weird, but funny tradition.
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